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Ibanez Jem 7DBK

There is a time in every young guitarists life when you need a 'ROCK' guitar.
Well a trip with my dad to 'Music Live' in London was what we both needed on one particular weekend. It was close to my birthday and I had recently started at ACM in Guildford (when it was located in Hayden Place - the old days) so I was on the hunt for something to inpsire me. A conduit for all the enthusiastic energy I had. recently my practising had led me to burning through olympian marathon practise sessions to be faster, smoother and generally wanting to be the absolute best I could be, so I needed a tool that could do the job.
Lo and behold the Ibanez section appeared along our travels around the venue. there they were, the Joe Satriani JS1000s and Ibanez Jems. A John Petrucci model, a Paul Gilbert model. Numerous pointy axes with super fast necks that meant I could widdle with ease to my heart's content. I fell for one particular model, the Jem 7DBK. 
There were other flashier models but this one just worked with my love of Strats and just seemed like a sports car version.
I played the beast for the entire journey home. In fact my dad got sick and tired of me playing it, eventually asking me to quit it for just a moment.
I could not. It was just a perfect machine for all the fancy fretwork I listened to at the time and wanted to emulate.
Nina mainly stays at home and rarely comes out for gigs but man does she get played. 
A wonderful birthday present from a wonderful father that I love more than l can ever put in words.

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