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Gear Page

Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS)

Unfortunately like most guitarists I have an illness that can not be cured, GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

It afflicts me with an emptiness to my wallet.


On a serious note though, I have loved the opportunity to try out so many different effects, amps, cabs and guitars that allow me to create my 'sound'.


Some of the gear I use is not expensive, some of it is not great but it is all an extension of me my guitar to help me sculpt the sound I need.



Every Guitar is named, every instrument has it's own personality and use.
I will confess though to not liking the Les Paul and having quite an aversion to it. Maybe one day I will actually find one I can actually like but until then, these are the instruments of choice for me...









(Ibanez AZ MM1)

Fender Telecaster (Blonde)
Baja w/ A1 switching

Fender 1959 Thin Skin re-issue Stratocaster (American)

Fender 50's re-issue Stratocaster (Japanese)

Ibanez Jem 7DBK

Takamine (FD450SMCSB) Electro Acoustic

Fender Player Jazz Bass Tidepool Maple fretboard

Ibanez 5 string Ergodyne Bass

Amps & Cabs

My choice of amplifiers is very simple and I have a very simple way of thinking with them...

'Good head with a good cab'

This is why I very rarely choose combo amplifiers as often I find open back cabs not to my taste.

My Fender Twin is a bastardised Head. I wanted a Twin but in head format. I asked Fender themselves and they had nothing except other models and I found it annoying that the Twin had the clean sound I liked but was in a combo format (and a very heavy one at that).

I found a wonderful man called Paul Huish in Windsor who agreed to bastardise a Fender Twin and put it into a 'Head'.

This has been my 'Go To' amp for over a decade - it's bloody great!

I have even taken it to the local music shops when testing potential cabs and had people asking the shop if they were selling the amp... nuff said!!

My back up amp is my Marshal TSL 100 head when the time calls for it.


Recently I had the wonderful Stewart Ward from Session Amps donate a Session 5E3 Extra for me to use (long term). This was the very one used by Guitarist magazine for a review. All I will say is that it is a great little amp with a big voice. It may not be valve driven but delivers one hell of an authentic sound for a transistor amp.


Cabinets are very simple- closed back please.

A Cornford 2x12" and a Marshall 4x12" cab.


As and when I get call up to play bass I use an Ashdown MAG300 C410 combo as it does the job and playing bass is not my forte.

Fender Twin

Bastardised Head

More Info

Victory Duchess V40

New main head (lunchbox style)

Marshall TSL 100

Only channel used is the 'Clean' one

Cornford Roadhouse Cabinet

2x12" for Small Venues and Events

More Info

Marshall 1960B Cabinet

4x12" Cabinet (Straight)
For Bigger Venues and Outdoor Events

Session 5E3 Extra

Donated by Stewart Ward of Session Amps

Ashdown MAG300

4x10" Combo Bass Amp

Palmer PDI 03

Speaker Simulator

I have tried to link to product sites for information about the gear I use. Although technology and products quickly become out-dated and this means that some of the links will be to archives or fan pages.
Some of the links may not be in use as yet (until I find a decent page for them).


Effects Flow Chart

A diagram for the way I place my FX

Pedal Train Terra 42"

Pedal Board

Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 Plus

Power Supply Unit

Voodoo Labs 4x4

Power Supply Unit

Boss TU-2


Morley Bad Horsie 1

Wah Pedal

More Info

Keely 2-Knob Compressor

Does what it says on the tin...

Boss ES5

5-Way Effects Switching System

Ibanez TS9


Keeley (ModPlus) Ibanez TS9


More Info

Keeley Katana

Clean Boost

Vox Satchurator

2 Channel Distortion Pedal

Amp switching Pedal
(Channel/Reverb/FX Loop)

A Dan Jones (Tonemason Guitar Works) Creation

More Info

Boss OC-2

Octave Pedal

Boss PH-3

Phase Shifter

Boss TR-2


Morley Volume Pedal

Does what it says on the tin...

More Info

Boss RC30

Looper Pedal

Boss DD-5

Digital Delay Pedal

More Info

TC Electronics 'Hall Of Fame'

Digital Reverb Pedal

Strymon Sunset

Dual Overdrive Pedal

Keeley Fuzz Bender

Fuzz Pedal

I have tried to link to product sites for information about the gear I use. Although technology and products quickly become out-dated and this means that some of the links will be to archives or fan pages.
Some of the links may not be in use as yet (until I find a decent page for them).

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